miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Spolier Lobos del Norte

Aqui os dejo el spoiler del siguiente capitulo que muy seguramente, tengamos solapado con el 2º de este bloque de guardia de la noche y salvajes, parece que los mas reforzados de entrada han sido los baratheon con 2 cartas que van a ir de cajón a todos los mazos (un reductor importante y un personaje muy versatil) Se empieza a divisar un poco de la estrategia de la guardia de la noche y se hace pensar que va a salir una estrategia por capitulo, como carta tambien a destacar Khal Drogo que poco mas que es una bestia en una casa que su tematica es reducir la fuerza por sistema, gran incorporación para las lagartijas.

F1-- Wolves of the North (character) x1
Stark, 6 Gold, 6 Str character, Mil, Creature, Direwolf
No Attachments. Deadly

Reduce the cost to play Wolves of the North by for each The North agenda you are running.

F2 -- Winter Cache (attachment) x3
Stark, 0 gold, Item
Attached Character gets +1 STR.
After attached character leaved play, you may attach Winter Cache to another character instead of placing it in your discard pile.

F3-- Janos Slynt (character), Unique x1
Lannister, 3 fold, 2 STR, Int, Night's Watch, Ally
Any Phase: Pay 1 gold to choose 1 Night's Watch character. Until the end of the phase, that character gains stealth.

F4 -- Pickpocket, attachment x3
Lanister, 0 gold, skill
Response: AFter you win an INT challenge in which attached character participated, you may choose to take 1 gold from the defending player or the treasury and add it to you gold pool

F5 -- Loyal Guard (character) x3
Baratheon, 2 gold, 1 STR, MIL, POW, Ally
House Baratheon Only
Loyal Guard can be played from your hand as a duplicate on a Noble character.

F6 -- Seat of Power (location) x3
Baratheon, 0 gold, Kings Landing, Westeros
MArshalling: Discard Seat of Power from play to reduce the cost of the next Bara card you play this phase by 3.

F7 -- Drowned Fanatic (character) x1
Greyjoy, 3 gold, 2 Str, Mil, Int, Ironborn, Holy
Response: After you win initiative, discard the top 2 cards of each opponent's deck.

F8 -- Ahead of the Tide (event) x3
House Greyjoy Only
Response: If an opponent would win initiative, cancel the initiative count. You win initiative instead.

F9 -- Khal Drogo (character), unique, x1
Targaryen, 4 Gold, 3 STR MIL, POW, Dothraki, Lord, Noble
Response: After you win a POW challenge in which Khal Drogo is participating, choose and kill 1 character with lower STR than Khal Drogo.

F10 -- The Dragon's Blood (Attachment) x3
Targaryen, 1 gold, Boon
Targ character only.
Attached character gains the Noble crest and a POW icon.

F11 -- Palace Spy (character) x3
Martell, 3 Gold, 2 STR, INT, Ally
Response: After you play Palace Spy from your hand, search your deck for 1 influence-providing location, reveal that card, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.

F12 -- A Gentle PRison (event) x1
House MArtell Only
Challenges: Kneel 2 influence to stand a participating character, and remove it from the challenge. That character cannot be killed this phase

F13 -- Rander of the Watch (character) x3
Neutral, 1 gold, 2 STR, NIght's Watch
No attachments except Weapon.
During MIL challenges, Ranger of the Watch gains stealth.

F14 -- Septon Cellador (character), unique, x1
Neutral, 2 gold, 2 STR Night's Watch, Septon, Holy
No Attachments
Any Phase: Kneel Septon Cellador to shuffle any player's deck.

F15 -- Castle Black (location) unique x1
Neutral 2 gold, The North
Response: After you play a NIght's Watch character from your hand, reduce the cost of the next Night's Watch character you play this phase by 1.

F16 -- Skinchanger (character) x3
Neutral, 3 gold, 3 str, Wildling
Challenges: Skinchanger gains an icon of your choice until the end of the phase (limit once per phase).

F17 -- Craster (character), unqiue, x3
neutral, 2 gold, 5 str, INT, Wildling, Ally
If you lose a challenge in which Craster participated, the winning opponent draws 2 cards.

F18 - WIldling Mead (Attachment) x3
neutral, 2 gold, Item
Wildling Character only
Any Phase: Kneel Wildling Mead to stand attached character.

F19 -- Winter Festival (plot) x1
4 gold, 5 Init, 1 Claim
When Revelaed, claim 1 power for your House (claim 2 power instead if it is Winter).

F20 -- The Rangers (agenda) Unique, x1
The North. You may run any number of The North agendas. You need 2 additional power to win the game.
Night's Watch characters you control gain a MIL icon.

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